The 7 Best Aesthetic Movies Based on Classic Literature

Classic Literature old volumes
It is a fact that the number of movies we watch is usually higher than the number of books that we typically read. Many people find it easier to sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy a good movie on Netflix or any other streaming site.

In these binge-watching times, even if you are not a bookworm you probably still have to read the novels that your English teacher assigns, if you want to secure a good grade. However, the good thing is that most of the classic literature stories have already been adapted into incredible movies that you can watch to have a quick glimpse of the story.

What's better: the movie or the book? Let’s have a look to some of the top classic literature movie adaptations, which will help you get better grades:

Romeo + Juliet
We have all heard about the beautiful yet tragic romance of Romeo and Juliet. There are various movie adaptations of this excellent Shakespeare play available. The 1996 version of this fantastic story with a super-young Leonardo DiCaprio and actress Claire Danes is bound to move your heart and bring tears to your eyes!

To Kill a Mockingbird is a classic book that most of us had to read at some point. This excellent novel was turned into a great movie directed by Robert Mulligan in 1962. Watching Mary Badham as Scout and Gregory peck as Atticus Finch, you will understand all the intricacies of the story. Gregory peck even landed an Oscar for his performance. You can watch movies based on classic literature and get a better understanding of the books. Whenever your professor asks you to write an essay on the book or to submit a review, the plot of this film is very close to the original story.

Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is a fantastic book that one can read over and over again. The 2005 British adaptation of this classic novel is the one that you should watch. Starring Matthew MacFayden and Keira Knightley, the film is well-loved by fans and critics alike. With multiple Oscar nominations under its belts, this movie adaptation will give you a better understanding of the book itself.

Movies based on classic literature help you understand the concepts explored in the books in a better way. This is easily one of our favorite stories. This fantastic novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald explores a variety of ideas and takes you back to the years where everything in the USA was extravagant and sofisticado. The film stars Tibet Maguire, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Carey Mulligan. From the soundtrack to the acting to the choreography, everything about this movie sparks excellence.

William Golding’s Lord of the Flies is not only a book about a group of boys trapped on a deserted island. The Nobel Prize-winning novel is full of relevant subjects, such as the never-ending battle between chaos and order, along with the end of innocence. We recommend you either the 1963 adaptation directed by Peter Brook or the 1990 one directed by Harry Hook.

All the students that have an interest in psychology will instantly choose this book. The plot focuses on the study of the human mind and social principles. The book was made into a film by the same name in 1975. Directed by Milos Forman and starring the great Jack Nicholson, the movie won 5 major Academy Awards.

Written by Louisa May Alcott, Little Women is the story of four sisters back in the Victorian Era. There are various film adaptations of this book, including the recent 2019 version with Emma Watson. But the one that we recommend you is the 1994 version starring Winona Ryder, Claire Danes, Kristen Dunst, and Susan Sarandon. This coming-of-age period drama stays very true to the story of the book and is an absolute delight to watch.

There are loads of classic books out there, and you can watch their movie adaptations to achieve a better understanding of the concepts and ideas explored in them. Go through literature essays examples to understand books. Read them, watch classic literature movies, and have a blast!


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